Guides AI Function CallingUsing Hyperbrowser with OpenAI and Anthropic Function Tools
Hyperbrowser integrates seamlessly with OpenAI and Anthropic's function calling APIs, enabling you to enhance your AI applications with web scraping and crawling capabilities. This guide will walk you through setting up and using Hyperbrowser's scrape and crawl tools with OpenAI and Anthropic.
First, install the necessary dependencies to run our script.
Node Python
Copy npm install @hyperbrowser/sdk dotenv openai
Copy pip install hyperbrowser openai python-dotenv
Setup your Environment
To use Hyperbrowser with your code, you will need an API Key. You can get one easily from the dashboard . Once you have your API Key, add it to your .env
. You will also need an OPENAI_API_KEY
Node Python
Copy import OpenAI from "openai" ;
import { Hyperbrowser } from "@hyperbrowser/sdk" ;
import { WebsiteCrawlTool , WebsiteScrapeTool } from "@hyperbrowser/sdk/tools" ;
import { config } from "dotenv" ;
config ();
// Initialize clients
const hb = new Hyperbrowser ({ apiKey : process . env . HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY });
const oai = new OpenAI ({
apiKey : process . env . OPENAI_API_KEY ,
async function handleToolCall (tc) {
console .log ( "Handling tool call" );
try {
const args = JSON .parse ( tc . function .arguments);
console .log ( `Tool call ID: ${ tc .id } ` );
console .log ( `Function name: ${ tc . function .name } ` );
console .log ( `Function args: ${ JSON .stringify (args , null , 2 ) } ` );
console .log ( "-" .repeat ( 50 ));
if (
tc . function .name === WebsiteCrawlTool . openaiToolDefinition . function .name
) {
const response = await WebsiteCrawlTool .runnable (hb , args);
return {
tool_call_id : tc .id ,
content : response ,
role : "tool" ,
} else if (
tc . function .name === WebsiteScrapeTool . openaiToolDefinition . function .name
) {
const response = await WebsiteScrapeTool .runnable (hb , args);
return {
tool_call_id : tc .id ,
content : response ,
role : "tool" ,
} else {
return {
tool_call_id : tc .id ,
content : "Unknown tool call" ,
role : "tool" ,
} catch (e) {
console .error (e);
return {
role : "tool" ,
tool_call_id : tc .id ,
content : `Error occurred: ${ e } ` ,
const messages = [
role : "user" ,
content : "What does do? Provide citations." ,
} ,
async function openaiChat () {
while ( true ) {
const resp = await oai . beta . chat . completions .parse ({
model : "gpt-4o-mini" ,
messages : messages ,
tools : [
WebsiteCrawlTool .openaiToolDefinition ,
WebsiteScrapeTool .openaiToolDefinition ,
] ,
const choice = resp .choices[ 0 ];
messages .push ( choice .message);
if ( choice .finish_reason === "tool_calls" ) {
for ( const tc of choice . message .tool_calls) {
const result = await handleToolCall (tc);
messages .push (result);
} else if ( choice .finish_reason === "stop" ) {
console .log ( choice . message .content);
break ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Unknown Error Occurred" );
openaiChat ();
Copy import json
import os
from hyperbrowser import Hyperbrowser
from hyperbrowser . tools import WebsiteCrawlTool , WebsiteScrapeTool
from openai import OpenAI
from openai . types . chat import (
ChatCompletionMessageToolCall ,
ChatCompletionMessageParam ,
ChatCompletionToolMessageParam ,
from dotenv import load_dotenv
load_dotenv ()
oai = OpenAI (api_key = os. getenv ( "OPENAI_API_KEY" ))
hb = Hyperbrowser (api_key = os. getenv ( "HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY" ))
def handle_tool_call (
tc : ChatCompletionMessageToolCall ,
) -> ChatCompletionToolMessageParam:
print ( "Handling tool call" )
try :
args = json . loads (tc.function.arguments)
print ( f "Tool call ID: { } " )
print ( f "Function name: { } " )
print ( f "Function args: { args } " )
print ( "-" * 50 )
if (
tc . function . name
== WebsiteCrawlTool . openai_tool_definition [ "function" ] [ "name" ]
) :
response = WebsiteCrawlTool . runnable (hb, args)
return { "tool_call_id" : tc . id , "content" : response , "role" : "tool" }
elif (
tc . function . name
== WebsiteScrapeTool . openai_tool_definition [ "function" ] [ "name" ]
) :
response = WebsiteScrapeTool . runnable (hb, args)
return { "tool_call_id" : tc . id , "content" : response , "role" : "tool" }
else :
return {
"tool_call_id" : tc . id ,
"content" : "Unknown tool call" ,
"role" : "tool" ,
except Exception as e :
print (e)
return { "role" : "tool" , "tool_call_id" : tc . id , "content" : f "Error occured: { e } " }
messages : list [ ChatCompletionMessageParam ] = [
"role" : "user" ,
"content" : "What does do? Provide citations." ,
while True :
response = oai . beta . chat . completions . parse (
messages = messages,
model = "gpt-4o-mini" ,
tools = [
choice = response . choices [ 0 ]
messages . append (choice.message) # type: ignore
if choice . finish_reason == "tool_calls" :
for tc in choice . message . tool_calls : # type: ignore
result = handle_tool_call (tc = tc)
messages . append (result)
elif choice . finish_reason == "stop" :
print (choice.message.content)
else :
raise Exception ( "Unknown Error Occured" )
Hyperbrowser exposes WebsiteCrawlTool
and WebsiteScrapeTool
to be used for OpenAI and Anthropic function calling. Each class provides a tool definition for both OpenAI and Anthropic that defines the schema which can be passed into the tools argument. Then, in the handleToolCall
function, we parse the tool call arguments and dispatch the appropriate tool class runnable
function based on the function name which will return the result of the scrape or crawl in formatted markdown.